If you are worried about your body fat , then don't worry i have some amazing tips which will help you to reduce your weight and body fat .

Common issue : 

 The very common issue among people is that they  don't eat that much but still their weight goes on increasing . 
 Secondly , it's been researched that most of the people observe body fat around their several body parts for example . around  Thigh area , around their belly , hips etc .

Cause : 

 Some of the major causes for weightgain are : 
•  No fixed time slot of eating .
• Slow metabolism .
• Eating junk food .
• Over eating  .
• Unhealthy routine .
Let's explore more 

•   Very few people know that your time slot for eating should be fixed . 
•. Having a fixed time slot will be beneficial for your body clock and other organs to be healthy and to work efficiently .
•.  Eating alot of food once at a time will also result in weightgain . Do you know  many researchers have cleared in their studies that one should eat less at once and should eat after small intervals of time .

Weightloss tips and recipes 

Doing exercise on daily basis will resolve all your body fat and also helps to reduce your weight .I personally recommend yoga .
Checkout these poses : 
• Having warm water along  with exercise  will help you to break your body fat  and also  catalysts your  metabolism rate .
•  Having boiled  fennel seed water with a pinch of cinnamon will also help .
• Eating food which is low in calories and doing exercises twice then what  you eat may help you alot .
• Avoid drinking beverages and cold water .

Facts : 
• Cinnamon :  It helps to break your excess body fat .
Warm water : It helps to increase your metabolism rate .( Human body has fastest metabolism rate in afternoon).

 Author : Sam

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