Quick Weightloss

Want to do quick Weightloss without dieting , here is a perfect meal for you to have .

Millets  are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses . widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human food.

The different species of millets are not necessarily closely related. All are members of the family the grasses but can belong to different even subfamilies.

Kodo is an annual tufted grass that was domesticated in India almost 3000 years ago. The grains vary in colour from light red to dark grey, and like most millets the fiber content is very high.

Known as Varagu in Tamil, Haraka in Kannada, Kodra in Hindi, Arikelu in Telugu, kodo millets are storehouse of nutrients.

  • Low glycemic index – Which means that kodo millets release glucose/energy slowly, over a longer period of time and thus helps in sugar control. This makes it a great substitute for polished white rice
  • Gluten-free – Great for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

  •  Easy to digest
  • Rich in antioxidants like polyphenols
  • Rich in dietary fiber.
  • Good source of vitamins – Vitamin B6, Niacin, folic acid and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc

Regular consumption of Kodo millet is very beneficial for postmenopausal women suffering from signs of cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure and high-cholesterol levels

Preparation Time : 20 mins | Cooking Time : 8 mins | Serves : 
Recipe CategoryBasics | Recipe CuisineIndian


Soak the rice for 1/2 hr. Heat the water in a pan and add salt(if you're using) and bring the water into boil.Drain the water from the soaked rice and add into the boiling water.Bring the rice to boil and then keep the flame in low and close the pan with lid.Cook until all the water is absorbed and switch off the flame.Let the pan closed for 10 more mins and then open the lid ,gently fluff the rice with spatula.Tada, perfectly cooked millet is ready.

  • Make sure that the flame is low while cooking the millet.
  • Pot/pan with glass lid is helpful to look into the pan while cooking the millet and switch off the flame when all water is absorbed
  • It takes approximately 6-8 mins to absorb all the water, by that time, the millet also well cooked.
  • If you don't have pan with glass lid, then use whatever you have, check in between to make sure that all the water is absorbed before switch off the flame.
  • Don't stir the millet frequently, it will become mushy.
  • After switch off the flame, let the pan covered for at least10 mins, before opening and serving.
  • If you want , you can add salt while cooking the millet.


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