
What will be your reaction if I tell you , you can maintain your health without ignoring your favourite food ?

Well , This recipe which I'm gonna share with you is full of healthiness because it's full of protein . 
You can have your cookies along with the benefits of protein with our chocolate peanut butter protein cookies .Bonus!  These cookies are under 200 calories and you get 10g protein per cookie  .

Prep. Time : 10 minutes .
Cook Time : 11 minutes .
Total Time :  21 minutes .

Author : Sam 
Yield    : 12 cookies .


INGREDIENTS ( all you need is )

1 cup of smooth peanut butter .
• 1/2 cup of palm sugar .
1/2 cup chocolate flavoured protein.
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
 ( unsweetened) 
2 eggs .
*Optional : 1/3rd cup of chocolate chips.


Preheat your oven to 350°F , on a baking sheet spray coconut cooking oil .
• Place all the ingredients in a medium sized bowl and mix them well .The mixture should be smooth .
*Note : If your mixture is crumbly then it is sign that your peanut butter is not smooth so , prefer to add 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil into it.
Now , Once your mixture is ready take out 2 tablespoons of it onto your palm and gently make a roll of 
it and press it nicely to give it a shape of a cookie . ( You can use cookie cutter also ) .
*Note : Your cookies should not expand a lot so to avoid this flattening is important .
Optionally place  some of the mini choco chips on top of your cookies .
•  Bake them at 350°F for 10- 12 minutes .

Notes : 
Let cool for atleast 15 minutes before removing from pan , if you do so your protein will set into the cookies nicely and they will not brake.
Use a drippy , natural peanut butter.
• Use organic protein powder . As I have used chocolate powder here you can use any flavour you want .
• Better not to use chocolate chips as it will add a few more calories and sweetness to it .


Serving size : 1 cookie .
Calories :  199
Sugar : 11
Fat : 12
Carbohydrates :  15
Fiber : 2
Protein :  10

Storage : 
•  you can store these cookies upto 3 months in a air tight container .



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